[third nature] – Issue 2

This is an archival of the [third nature] zine, the publication of Live Oak Radical Ecology which I wrote for and edited.

[third nature] – Issue 2

[third nature] – Issue 2 (bifold zine printable)

Description from the Institute for Social Ecology:

[third nature] is a bimonthly [sic] zine created by the social ecology organization Live Oak Radical Ecology located in North Florida. This second issue, published in February 2021, features essays on food sovereignty, renewing communal life, DIY ecological stewardship and more, along with art and graphics bursting with bloomer energy. It aims to educate, provoke thought, stimulate conversation around the ecology movement and inspire everyday people to take action in the fight for an ecological society. Printed copies will be distributed around North Florida with native wildflower seed packs attached to encourage people to get involved in stewardship and proliferate the growth of native plants. Check it out here.

Live Oak Radical Ecology can be found on Instagram and Twitter at @liveoakradeco.

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