the precursor of volition

manifesting the implicit in the ever striving of matter towards more lovely forms enchants all things eviscerates all hate and defies oblivion the material is not sterile the void is a breeding ground for life


acorn on the sidewalk, use your little legs and join me in the soil. you’re stronger than you think — don’t just decay on the concrete when you can become a towering tree more sacred and majestic than anything you’ve read about in your books. acorn on the sidewalk, render all your pleasures transgressive, come […]


one day i forgot how to imagine, so i went outside for a walk. it was dark out, and i began my aimless foray: i could see every crack and scuff on the sidewalks and the walls of grimy buildings, and all the broken glass, and every piece of trash adorning the urban wasteland, plastic […]


in this infinite domain, the bitter and dreary wilderness, a fork with two well-tread paths awaits me: do i accept my fate and surrender to the cage, or bash against the bars like an animal in a kennel with my whole entire being until i can no longer resist? this binary is certainly enough to […]

psychotropic gaze

we were lying side by side in a narcotic haze when you struck my glassy eyes with your psychotropic gaze and this self-imposed, rotting, opulent prison was raided by the biting dogs of manumission.

til this afternoon

the ancient oak on which we sit aflame, tempestuous acid gales corroding oxytocic bonds, our vision tapers and our candles dim. mist blackens, seems to conceal not an arcadia but an impending age of infinite death, destruction, despotism — desert… a regime of cruelty, until mercy strikes: the tree’s reduced to ashes, the crackling ceases […]